Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kiwi, the Terror (Part 2)

Oh Miss. Kiwi.  We have been able to help her through a lot of her problems.  Although she is still extremely scared of Jonathan.  The entire time Ian and I were gone to Baltimore and Niagara Falls, she hid from him.  He has tried to convince her that he will not hurt her but that is not something she believes.  So she lives her life in fear of him.
Otherwise she is a great asset to our family.  She is really good with Ian and she will tolerate him almost all the time.  There has been a few incidents where she was not happy and told him so.  She and Ian spend a good portion of the day playing together, whether he throws a ball and she runs after (she is like a dog, she fetches) or if he drags something on the ground for her to follow and try to catch.  She is so playful.
Last night, I was making some Nanaimo bars for a church activity.  I had Ian up in his high chair eating supper while I was making the Nanaimo bars.  Ian starts laughing hysterically.  I turn around to find Kiwi with her nose and paw in the confectioner sugar.  I tell her to get out and she looks up at me and has the confectioner sugar all over her nose.  What kind of kitty wants to eat confectioner sugar? Or maybe she was not trying to eat it but play in it.  We will never know.

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