Wednesday, August 1, 2012

San Antonio

We had the amazing opportunity to spend almost three weeks in San Antonio with my dear friend, Megan and her two children Alana and Collin...  We had so much fun! Ian loved playing with Collin.  He loves bigger kids.  We did many things while we were there... We went to six flags three different times.  Ian loved the rides.  He wanted to go on it again and again.  He was less thrilled with the water park but he warmed up by the end of the third time.

We also went peach picking one day.

We also went to get sno cones and frozen yogurt (many times), had a fire and made some s'mores (in the microwave), played outside almost every night, went to the park, took tons of pictures.  Megan and I even got a babysitter one Saturday and went to sushi and Magic Mike.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ian

This is a month late but Ian had a birthday party with here in Logan, Utah and he had a party in San Antonio, Texas on his actual birthday!

 Here are some pictures from Ian's birthday in Logan!

Here are some pictures from Ian's party in San Antonio!