Thursday, November 17, 2011


For those of you who do not know what that means DIY = do it yourself.  I have all these projects that I would really like to do for both Ian and the new baby but since I have spent the last few months studying for my exam, it just has not gotten underway.  Well the baby is due in 10 weeks and I want to start doing things.  One thing I found out is that many more things need a sewing machine than I thought.  Since my sewing machine lives in Maryland, that is going to be hard.  The things that I want to try that DON'T need a sewing machine are harder to find.  They have things that are things that involve Scrabble boards and Guess Who games but neither are that easy to find at the salvation army or a thrift store and buying them new is kind of silly considering you are just going to "ruin" them.  (And the new Guess Who game boards are different then the ones from when I was little and the older one would work better for what I want.) Anyway, my crafting ability is severely limited anyway so doing these projects may result in a lot more heartache than they are worth.  We will have to see!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Completed BOC exam!

Well I took the BOC exam today! What I can only hope is I did well enough to get my passing grade and move on from this part of exam prep.  I have been graduated since August 2010, and I am hoping this was enough to actually finish my graduate program FOREVER and maybe one day get a job.  I will find out in a couple of weeks if I passed or if I have to take the exam again in April 2012.  One step closer to reality!

Unfortunatly, it will probably not end there for me.  After I am officially certified, I can apply to the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association to certify with them.  Canada and the US have a mutual agreement that both programs are similar enough that a person with one can work in either country.  And since I can work in either country (and Canada pays a TON better), I think that is the only logical step for me!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Independent Baby!

Scariest thing yesterday! Ian knows how to open doors.  I have known this for a few weeks now.  I usually leave the front door locked.  But I was getting Ian and I ready to go down to put in a work order to get our disposal fixed, so I had unlocked the door.  He was wearing nothing but a onesie and some jeans.  No shoes or coat and it was snowing outside.  Luckily, I was in the living room getting things ready when he left.  I ran out (also without shoes) to chase him down.  He thought it was soo funny and he was running away from me. Ugh Little turkey. This morning, the door was locked but he was trying to leave again.  I am going to have to be really careful or else he is going to leave when I am not paying attention.  Maybe, I will have to get one of those door alarms for kids.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extra Pictures for Your Viewing Pleasure!

Trick Or Treating!

We were not sure if we were going to take Ian trick or treating this year.  He is almost 16 months old and we felt he might still be a little too young to go.  Well, luckily I found out through Natalie that there was trick or treating going on at Lee's Marketplace.  So I took Ian and he LOVED it.  He even wanted to hold his own bag of goodies.  They made a haunted house in the employees only area in the back which was really fun and very creative as well!
Ian playing with the pumpkins outside of Lee's

Ian got a toothbrush and that was the first thing that  he pulled out of his bag
We had then heard that there was trick or treating going on at the Cache Valley Mall.  So we decided to go on over there and check out what was going on.  Ian's bag got too heavy for him to carry around any more so mommy got to hold it for him.  And I had also decided to put him in his stroller so he would be a little easier to handle in the large mall. It was a lot of fun and Ian got SOO much candy!
I try not to post the same picture but he looks soo cute in all of them I could not resist!