Thursday, November 17, 2011


For those of you who do not know what that means DIY = do it yourself.  I have all these projects that I would really like to do for both Ian and the new baby but since I have spent the last few months studying for my exam, it just has not gotten underway.  Well the baby is due in 10 weeks and I want to start doing things.  One thing I found out is that many more things need a sewing machine than I thought.  Since my sewing machine lives in Maryland, that is going to be hard.  The things that I want to try that DON'T need a sewing machine are harder to find.  They have things that are things that involve Scrabble boards and Guess Who games but neither are that easy to find at the salvation army or a thrift store and buying them new is kind of silly considering you are just going to "ruin" them.  (And the new Guess Who game boards are different then the ones from when I was little and the older one would work better for what I want.) Anyway, my crafting ability is severely limited anyway so doing these projects may result in a lot more heartache than they are worth.  We will have to see!

1 comment:

  1. did you get my text about the scrabble game? i'm using some of the tiles from ours for crafts and i'm sure i'd have what you need (unless you need all of the tiles). let me know!
