Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back To Reality

Ian and I were given a great opportunity to spend the last two and half weeks in Maryland and Ontario!!
We flew out on Monday August 15 and Ian was really well behaved!! I was a little worried about how that was going to work with just he and I, but we made it.  We we able to help my dad pack his stuff and move it down to Charleston, South Carolina for his year of teaching at the Citadel.  It took a while but we got him packed and moved.
I got to see Lauren while I was in Baltimore! She came all the way up from Richmond to see us.  It was so nice of her to do so.  We got so many sno balls while we were in Baltimore. I loved it! We also saw Steph, Shari R. and Gamm! Man, these are the best friends a girl can ask for.  I have still never found the kind of friendships I found in high school! I am so glad we are 26 years old and can still play Nintendo when we hang out!
I was there for the earthquake.  I actually felt this earthquake. I was sitting on the floor of my dad's apartment packing a box and I felt this wave affect. I asked my dad or Michael if either of them felt it and they said no. Silly boys.
We considered going to Niagara Falls, ON and it happen to correspond with Hurricane Irene coming to town.  We left for Ontario on Friday morning and my mom's house ended up losing power Friday night from the storm.  They only had it turned back on last night.  That sucks for the people who were not visiting family in Niagara Falls.
We were able to see my Grandma! It was really fun to spend time with her.  We also were able to see my all my aunts and  uncles and my cousins Sara and Laura. It was pretty nice.  We were even able to go to Burlington on night for some good food and Ian had so much fun he did not want to leave.  Niagara Falls was a great way to end a wonderful vacation.

Just want to finish off with some cute pictures of little Ian

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