Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lima, Montana

Jonathan is gone again, this time to Lima, Montana.  Ian and I will probably go up and meet him on Saturday but I have a class on Friday that I must attend.  I am going to try harder this time around to not feel so claustrophobic in my own home.  This morning, Ian and I went to the library for story time.  I am not sure he really liked it.  There were a TON of kids and he became really shy.  Which is not like him.  So I might take him again next week or the following one to try and ease him into the environment.  We are hoping to have some play dates this week with different people too.  Hoping to get out of the house as much as possible while still being able to get my homework completed.
Wanting to have a good week and then on Saturday morning, Ian and I are going to attempt to drive to see Jonathan for 5 days.  There is another wife and daughter who are going so I think it might be fun.  We'll see how Ian handles to trip.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Now all I need is for some place to deliver it and I would be in heaven!


I rarely go to Chick-Fil-a but we were out getting the car fixed and so we went.  I was very impressed with their kids meal.  Ian is a super picky kid these day and only really wants to eat fruit and veggies.  He rarely eats meat and sometimes bread or pasta but that is about it.  He got the chicken nuggets meal and it came with a fruit cup (REAL FRUIT) and apple juice or milk choice.  He also got a book for the under three kids meal prize.  He ate the entire thing including his 4 chicken nuggets.  I was seriously impressed! I will have to take him more often if he is going to eat that well!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Things Ian Puts in His Shopping Cart: Episode Two

When I was cleaning up today, I found Ian's shopping cart filled with tons of plastic knives.  Huh? Sometimes I wish I could read this kid's mind!

I Want This!!

Is it wrong that I want this??

Kiwi, the Terror (Part 2)

Oh Miss. Kiwi.  We have been able to help her through a lot of her problems.  Although she is still extremely scared of Jonathan.  The entire time Ian and I were gone to Baltimore and Niagara Falls, she hid from him.  He has tried to convince her that he will not hurt her but that is not something she believes.  So she lives her life in fear of him.
Otherwise she is a great asset to our family.  She is really good with Ian and she will tolerate him almost all the time.  There has been a few incidents where she was not happy and told him so.  She and Ian spend a good portion of the day playing together, whether he throws a ball and she runs after (she is like a dog, she fetches) or if he drags something on the ground for her to follow and try to catch.  She is so playful.
Last night, I was making some Nanaimo bars for a church activity.  I had Ian up in his high chair eating supper while I was making the Nanaimo bars.  Ian starts laughing hysterically.  I turn around to find Kiwi with her nose and paw in the confectioner sugar.  I tell her to get out and she looks up at me and has the confectioner sugar all over her nose.  What kind of kitty wants to eat confectioner sugar? Or maybe she was not trying to eat it but play in it.  We will never know.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Quote for the Day!

"Patience, Iago, patience."
- Aladdin

Trying To Stay Busy!

I have not gotten this single mom thing down yet but I am trying.  Trying to keep myself busy by doing tons of crossword puzzles and studying while Ian is asleep.  Next time Jonathan goes away for business I am going to have to be a lot better prepared to entertain both myself and Ian.

Not Afraid to Try New Things...

I have been craving sushi.  It was like this while I was pregnant with Ian too.  However, you are not supposed to eat sushi while pregnant.  Well, I went to the store today an bought a California roll because there is no raw fish in that one.  It was soo good.  Ian spent lunch begging for part of my roll. So I gave him a piece and he LOVED it.  This kid is not afraid to try  new food and he has come to enjoy Indian food and now sushi.  What's next?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baker's Chocolate!

Most people have used this to cook with before, right? Well this has an extremely bitter taste if it is not cooked with.  I use mine to make Nanaimo bars with and that is it because I am not a chocolate fan but my whole family LOVES Nanaimo bars.  Needless to say, it does not get used very often. This afternoon, Ian got into one of our cupboards, took out this unsweetened chocolate, opened it up and took a nice taste.  He began to cry.. (Probably because it tasted so badly).  Poor kid, hopefully this has not scarred him from eating chocolate again.

Day 1 Without Daddy...

We are slowly making it on our own.  After yesterday, I have a feeling I was not meant to be a single mom.  My house looks like a hurricane came through, I didn't get any studying completed and Ian was extremely temperamental.  I think I got to the point where I ran out of ideas to entertain him. Sometime I wish I had all the money in the world so I could go somewhere while Jonathan is gone or bring someone to me.  Oh well, Today is a new day! We will make it work because we are going to be spending many more days without daddy.

This did make us feel better after a rough day though... We watched it a few times and Ian laughed and laughed.

Canada Flag

Monday, September 12, 2011

Nana and Aunt Kylea Time!

Labour Day Weekend 2011
We went to Layton to spend some time with Jonathan's Family.
Ian was able to play with his Nana and Aunt Kylea.

Daddy is my Best Friend!

Ian has always been a Daddy's boy! He cries when Daddy leaves for work, or when he steps out of the room for a moment.  Jonathan left for work this morning until Friday night and he has already had a screaming fest.  Ian never leaves his Daddy's side and even when Jonathan is trying to fix something on the computer Ian is right there!

Arts and Crafts...

We bought a little kids table and chairs from the DI recently.  We wanted to get something for Ian that he could colour papers on because he absolutely LOVES to draw and do other forms of art (especially with pens on walls).  So we got him just a little plain white table with blue legs.  Well, last week we were grocery shopping in Lee's and we found some "Rugrats" stickers in the clearance bin and decided it would be fun to make the table a little more kid friendly.  So we brought the stickers home and started trying to stick them on the table.  Ian did not want them on the table and this is how it resulted:

Ian decided he didn't want the stickers on the table and he tried to stick them everywhere! What a sweet kid but needless to say the table is still plain white with blue legs.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Poor Little Ian :(

Our poor little Ian was so sick last night with the flu. He has never been this sick before.  We did everything we could for him.  I got him Powerade and we just held him.  He wanted to walk around but he was having a hard time standing up. We was afraid of him getting dehydrated so we were trying to get liquids in him but everything we put in him came back up.
Jonathan was so wonderful with Ian.  He held him and cuddled him and held him over the sink when he was throwing up.  What a great father.  And he was not feeling that well either.  He helped with bathing him and cleaning up everything.  And he didn't get anything done as far as homework even though he really needed to.
I have great boys!

Baby Girl!

We found out yesterday that we are having a baby girl!! She is still due the 1st of February, which will mean that I will probably go around the 15th of February.  However, they have told me that they will not let me go as long with her because Ian was so big when he was born. We are just hoping for a petite little girl.
She was very shy and did not like to be looked at with the Ultrasound. The doctor said that everything looked great.  She is right on target and so am I on everything except for my weight.  I am halfway through my pregnancy and I have not gained any weight.  I have actually lost a pound or two.  He is worried about that but he said since she is perfect, then its ok that I have not gained any weight.  We are excited and we are starting to think about names, so if you have any suggestions we are open to ideas.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sweet Boy!

This morning Ian was in the bath tub.  He was playing with his rubber ducky and I was whistling "Rubber Ducky," the one that Ernie sings on Sesame Street.  Ian got this huge smile on his face, looked at me and tried to mimic my mouth motions.  He made more of a humming sound than a whistling sound.  It was so sweet! I would do a little bit of the song and he would try to mimic me to the best of his ability.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Taking What Will Be My Last Course Of My Masters Career! (Hopefully)

In August 2010, I was able to finish all my course work and graduate with my Masters.  However, to work in the field I graduated in, one must be certified to practice.  I never did this although I attempted twice (once right before I had Ian and once right after).  After being unsuccessful, having a job, a husband and a baby I have no tried to certify in the last 8 months or so.  I got an email from one of my professor's of the Masters program to see where I was and if I had ever certified. I emailed her back, ashamed to tell her I had not yet passed.  She extended an invitation for me to take a certification course taught once a week down at Weber State.  So after figuring out if I could afford to drive down there, what to do with Ian and if I had the time and patience to start studying again, I decided that I could not pass up this opportunity.  Today was  my first class and I must tell you I am stoked and I feeling positive about working hard to pass this exam!  Also, thanks to everyone who were willing to help out with Ian.  I will take all of you up on those offers.
Wish me luck as I attempt to certify one more time!

Radio Flyer Fun!

We had stored this at Jonathan's Mom's house for the last year.  We had forgot all about it until about 3 weeks ago when we went to go get things from his Mom's house to bring back to our bigger apartment.  We found this and Ian immediately liked to play on it.  Problem with it is he can get off of it but he can not get on it by himself.  And he does not really understand how to ride it yet either. But in due time he will figure it out!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back To Reality

Ian and I were given a great opportunity to spend the last two and half weeks in Maryland and Ontario!!
We flew out on Monday August 15 and Ian was really well behaved!! I was a little worried about how that was going to work with just he and I, but we made it.  We we able to help my dad pack his stuff and move it down to Charleston, South Carolina for his year of teaching at the Citadel.  It took a while but we got him packed and moved.
I got to see Lauren while I was in Baltimore! She came all the way up from Richmond to see us.  It was so nice of her to do so.  We got so many sno balls while we were in Baltimore. I loved it! We also saw Steph, Shari R. and Gamm! Man, these are the best friends a girl can ask for.  I have still never found the kind of friendships I found in high school! I am so glad we are 26 years old and can still play Nintendo when we hang out!
I was there for the earthquake.  I actually felt this earthquake. I was sitting on the floor of my dad's apartment packing a box and I felt this wave affect. I asked my dad or Michael if either of them felt it and they said no. Silly boys.
We considered going to Niagara Falls, ON and it happen to correspond with Hurricane Irene coming to town.  We left for Ontario on Friday morning and my mom's house ended up losing power Friday night from the storm.  They only had it turned back on last night.  That sucks for the people who were not visiting family in Niagara Falls.
We were able to see my Grandma! It was really fun to spend time with her.  We also were able to see my all my aunts and  uncles and my cousins Sara and Laura. It was pretty nice.  We were even able to go to Burlington on night for some good food and Ian had so much fun he did not want to leave.  Niagara Falls was a great way to end a wonderful vacation.

Just want to finish off with some cute pictures of little Ian