Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kiwi, the Terror

**WARNING -- This post involves poop **

I have no idea what to do with our newest cat, Kiwi! She is more difficult than any other cat I have even owned (and I have owned many cats in my life). A few weeks ago, I took her to the vet because she was having stinky bowel problems. They thought she might be diabetic but it was a $200 dollar test to find out. There was no way that I wanted to spend $200 and if she was diabetic what would we do with her then? We can not afford to be giving insulin treatments for a cat for the rest of its life. The vet told me to take her home and wait 6 months to see if anything changes.

Well, recently I started to catching on to maybe her smelliness is because she eats human food. Ian drops his breakfast in the morning and we have caught her numerous times taking it somewhere to eat. This past Sunday morning, we woke up to find that she had gotten up on the refrigerator and taken down an ENTIRE loaf of bread and eaten a good portion of it. Not only had she taken bites out of EVERY piece of bread but she had eaten some of the plastic as well. This is extremely weird eating habits for a cat.

I try very hard to keep their litter box super clean for our two cats, but with this new cat smelling so terribly, I have been completely changing the litter every time I clean it out to fresh litter. Yesterday morning, Ian and I were were out swimming and Jonathan was finishing up a technical report for his thesis, when Kiwi came running into the room where he was working. He said she stunk so badly and was really agitated, trying to get him to come with her so she could show him something. She had thrown her poop all the way out of the litter box and into the middle of our kitchen floor. The box was completely clean and fresh about an hour before she did this. So its not like there was no room to leave it in there. What was she thinking?

When we first rescued her and brought her home, she and Turnip became fast friends. But in these last few weeks she has come to bully Turnip inappropriately. She guards the food dish and will not let Turnip near it. Turnip doesn't eat very much so she can usually wait until Kiwi is asleep to eat her 5 pieces of food. However, in the last two weeks Kiwi has bullied Turnip whenever she tries to use the bathroom. What do I do? I can not have Turnip getting scared and using the house. ( I have seen no evidence that she is but I have had cats bully other cats and they stopped using the litter box entirely).

Jonathan has been really patient with she and I, but both of our patience is starting to wear thin. If anyone has any suggestions, we are open to trying anything to get her to be more like and cat and less like a hyperactive puppy!

PS. I just sat Ian down for breakfast this morning and I caught him perpetuating the problem by feeding Kiwi his breakfast. At first, he intentionally threw his waffle on the floor. Then later I caught her standing on the chair next to him and he was feeding her out of his hand. SILLY BABY!

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