Saturday, January 28, 2012

Still No Baby!

The contractions have stopped completely when it comes to this little girl.  She just doesn't want to come.  To be honest this is not surprising because Ian was two weeks late and my body did not dilate or anything.  At least she is dilating slowly.  I woke up this morning with the worst hip/back pain.  I did not have this kind of pain with Ian and so being overdue two weeks was not as bad as if I have to go overdue with this one.  I have stopped sleeping which is miserable and making being a mom to a toddler extremely difficult because I have a shorter temper with him than I should. Still he is a really good kid and I try my hardest to praise him for all the wonderful things he has done.  
I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday, hoping there will be some good news and I can have my baby soon.  But if not the latest that he will let me go is February 8.  I guess it would be interesting to have Ian be a July 8 baby and have her be a February 8 baby.  
Wishing I was not so impatient but this week has been long and pretty crumby, I just want her here so I can at least have my body back and maybe it will even stop hurting.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Contractions for 35 hours and all I have is this lousy 2.

** Warning** this post is pretty gross and if you do not care about my cervix or my dilation I would refrain from reading it

I have been having contractions (quite painfully) since yesterday morning at 5am.  They may have been painful and uncomfortable but they are not doing anything for me.  I went to the doctor this morning because he has wanted to check me out and get me started as soon as my body dilates at least to a two and becomes about 80 percent effaced.  Not there yet. And her head is still at -2 station which is no good either. So I opted to go home and try to make myself dilate more before he left work today.  No such luck there either because the contractions really have died down since about 2pm.  So it looks like she is not coming any time soon.
By the way the entire reason this even matters is because he really wanted to me to not have a baby as large as Ian and this one is already measure at least at 8lbs (he says he guesses more like 8.5 lbs).  He is really worried about her getting to be too large and having to take her in a c-section.
Wish me luck and think dilation!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


We a 18 month old who loves everything about Elmo.  He would sit and watch him all day and night if we let him.  I think the way this started was Jonathan showed Ian a few Youtube videos and from there the obsession grew.  It cracks me up because they both are in LOVE with this video.  Enjoy!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I thought this cartoon was very fitting because I am starting to feel this way.  I am so uncomfortable and ready for this all to be over. I was not feeling this uncomfortable with Ian when I was 37.5 weeks along with him.  But this time is a lot different.  
I have been told to think dilation. So I will attempt to do anything I can to get myself dilated.  If I do that I only have about 12 or so days left. If my body does not cooperate then I have about 26 days left.  Lets hope its closer to the earlier date.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

36 Weeks!

Only another 6 weeks to go :).  With as late as Ian was I am not expecting her to come any earlier.  Although with this pregnancy the last few weeks I have been more uncomfortable than I was with him at this time.  It might be because I have an 18 month old to chase around, lift up and clean up after.  I have also gotten to the stage where I am so tired, I can get things done in the morning and then when I put Ian down for his nap at about 1pm, I want to just take a nap myself.  But that is a really bad plan because then I get no housework done.  So usually, I have to coax my body into staying and hoping I can get everything done I need to. Well wish me luck on the next few weeks in hopes that she arrives on time!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!!

Its a New Year! I am going to write the obligatory "This year is going to be great!" For us, I am sure it will have its ups and downs.  After what felt like a week of Christmas and New Years celebrations, I am so glad it is finally over.  Poor little Ian has Impetigo and has been pretty sick since Wednesday. Although, I realize now that I have a kid that almost never shows pain. So it is more difficult for us, as parents, to figure out if there is really something wrong or not.  With this Impetigo, he was not showing signs of being more cranky or clingy but before I knew it, it had spread all over his body.  Literally from head to toe.  He is now on two antibiotics and it will take quite a while for him to be rid of it completely.
So what will this year of 2012 bring? Well lets see.  We should be having this baby sometime around February 1st.  But of course she still has no name.  This has become a contentious thing between Jonathan and myself. He thinks the names I love are weird and bad and I really am not fond of the names he thinks are nice.  We will probably end up compromising on a name that we both think is acceptable but I can almost guarantee that until she is born there will be no name agreements.
There is a good possibility that at the end of February, Jonathan will be laid off for 6-8 weeks.  Most people would be in a panic but so far I am not afraid.  This may actually be a blessing in disguise because then he has 6-8 weeks to work on thesis, FULL TIME!! Its the best thing he can do since he has to have it finished and defended by April.
Then, in April we will be taking a family trip to Charlston, South Carolina. We are so excited to go and I think this will be a good break.  We will be visiting my dad who is down there until the end of this semester at the Citadel.  And he loves it so much he wanted to share it with us.  It will most likely be really warm too so we can take the kids to the beach!!
In August, my cousin is getting married and I am trying to get me and the kids out to Ontario for a little while to celebrate.  I hope it all works out and we can afford it. But, we will have to play it by ear.  Now that I have to purchase two air plane tickets.
So all I am saying is 2012 should hold a new baby, a graduation, Ian's 2nd birthday, the beginning of the Hunger Games movies and a many, many more adventures.