Friday, October 19, 2012

Skull Valley, Utah

Well Jonathan has been gone for one week. He is in Skull Valley, Utah which is about an hour outside of Touille.  This should be his last time being away for the season (we hope :) ). 
The kids and I always have a hard time when he goes away.  I don't sleep well, getting up to check the locks and such. The kids did not sleep very well the first night either. I have been letting both of them sleep in the bed with me. I have tried to keep myself busy by taking the kids to the library, a high school football game( go east),  a dollar movie and tumbling.  It has mostly worked in keeping us busy and not missing Jonathan as much as we have in the past. With the exception of Ian dislocating his radial head, it has been a pretty smooth week. 
One week down and one to go. Hopefully it goes as smoothly as the first week, (minus the trip to the emergency room).

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