Monday, January 17, 2011


There is really no story behind this one since he eats every day but I still think some of the pictures are super cute!!

No Hat!

Ian has figured out how to take any hat off his head. Smart cookie we have here. And it would not be so bad except it has been about -2 F (-19 C) when we leave to go to the babysitters in the morning.

6 Months Old!

6 months already?!? Where did the time go? He is such a good baby, doing the army crawl everywhere he goes. He has been mobile since about thanksgiving (which is a lot earlier than I had planned). He gets into everything and he HATES to be told "no." And he gets told that a lot because he constantly wants to eat cord and paper. Even if you hide those things he is able to find them. Little stinker.

At his 6 month check up he weighed in at 20.3lbs (9.17kg) 89 percentile, and 283/4in (73.03cm) 97 percentile. He is one big boy, but hey I have never had muscles like these before in my arms.
I wish this one was better of his face but his shows his love for his bouncer. He has figured out how to play the music and then he bounces along with the beat!

"Let Me Tell You 'Bout My Best Friend"

Lately, Ian's favorite toy (and playmate) is our Turnup. She is such a good kitty that she takes all his love (even though at times it can be pretty rough). I have caught him with her tail and her ear in his mouth. How can you teach a 6 month old to be gentle?

Turnup and the Christmas Tree!

We have the naughtiest kitty in the entire world. We had to leave her with Nana while the rest of us were visiting my family in Baltimore. She is afraid of the three cats that live there so she climbed up the tree to get away from them... Silly Girl!

Christmas 2010

I know I am very late with this but its been a busy few weeks starting back up with work at the Elementary School and Jon starting his last (or second to last) semester of graduate school! But we have some beautiful christmas pictures of our awesome kid!! Ian, Jonathan and I were all able to spend the holiday with my parents, siblings and my canandian family. Turnup got to spend it with her Nana, in Layton, UT.

Ian has amazing uncle, aunt and grandparents that live in Maryland!