Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Crackin' Nuts!

This just shows how much Ian watches us.  Jonathan bought an entire bag of nuts.  We used our nut cracker to crack open the nuts and eat whats inside.  So Ian found a a wrench and tried to break the nuts himself.

Christmas Cards!

This year I attempted to make Christmas Cards.  Probably will never attempt again because of all the time it took to do 15 cards.  But I did it and I feel quite accomplished.  Here are some pictures of my "masterpieces."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Stocking Decorations!

Family Arts and Crafts! We decided we were going to decorate our stockings. Ian just got glitter paint all over him, very little on his stocking.  

Here are the finished products.  Jonathan ended up helping Ian out with his stocking.

Baby Girl Bows!

So I have been working on making some bows for our baby girl.  Well, last night I was gluing a few that had fallen apart back when Ian begged for me to try them out in his hair.  The pictures did not turn out very well but here are a few.  He was so cute about it.  When I would put them in his hair he would run around the house showing them off.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Nativity Scene

I found the cutest nativity scene on a craft blog that was easy for me to cut out and easy for Ian to colour. This morning, we decided to let Ian colour all the people and animals in the nativity scene.  He had fun and was able to put some colour on almost every one of the people and animals.

Picture taking was getting a little silly.  Kiwi, really loves to help with all craft projects.

He is VERY proud of his nativity.

Here is the blog that has the PDF print out of this nativity set.

Ian's "New" Table

I have to show off the wonderful job Jonathan did on this little table of Ian's.  A few months ago, I bought the wooden animals to add to the table top because it needed a little bit of spice. I had left them on the kitchen table prepared to start the project when I had a little bit of time.  That evening, Jonathan said he had a great idea for these wooden animals and the table.  So I told him he was more than welcome to put his own touches into it.  And did he ever! He wrote Ian's name and put the letters and numbers around the table. He also added old hockey socks around the legs.  Its so cute!

Snowflake and Paper People!

I have been trying to get Ian to colour more because he loves to do it.  And if I am not watching him like a hawk, it ends up on the walls.  So a few days ago I cut out snowflakes and paper boys and girls for him to colour.  He enjoyed it!
I think my child is ambidextrous...In this picture he is colouring with his left hand... 

...And in this one he is colouring with his right.

Kiwi wanted to colour too! But I guess Ian would not let her so she started playing with his foot and the footy part of his pajamas.

Here is the finished product.  Kiwi wanted to help us to show it off.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Girl Names...

I am having the hardest time coming up with a name for this little girl...  We have some great names on our list and I like them but do I LOVE them? Jonathan has a few that he LOVES but I am still unsure. We have also gotten some suggestions from family and friends (some good and others not so good.)  I guess we will have to wait until we meet her to make a final decision.  I am just getting a little antsy about not finding the perfect name.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Grandchildren's Christmas Party

Our AMAZING Grammy puts together a very detail Grandchildren's Christmas Party every year.  She works really hard and it has so many aspects to it.  We always do a little service project, play games and decorate gingerbread houses.  This year Ian was old enough to get his own gingerbread house and helped decorate it.  Actually it was more Jonathan putting on the frosting and treats and Ian eating them off the house.  But it was cute and he really enjoyed it. He only had a slight sugar high too.

Blackberry Treat!

I was having a snack of blackberries.  I had left them on the table to do something and when I came back Ian had eaten pretty much all of them! So sweet I could not resist taking a few pictures.

P.S. I was very lucky he did not smash any into the carpet...

Yogurt Disaster!

Ian and I were out grocery shopping.  We were doing a quick shopping but they had yogurt on sale so I picked up a ton because he LOVES yogurt.  As I was finishing getting the rest of the groceries, Ian had gnawed his way through on of the lids of the yogurt and was sucking the contents out.  I laughed a little and let him have it as he was obviously hungry.  When I got him into the car, he still continued to chew on the top to get it opened so he could get more out of the yogurt.  Funny but this was the result when we got back to our apartment: